Important Numbers
If you know of any numbers that need to be added to this list, please CONTACT US and let us know!
- Emergency: 911
- City Services (Non emergency): 311
- APS Security Patrol & Installation: (310) 606-2727 fax: (310) 606-2724
- West Los Angeles Police Station: (310) 444-0701
- West Los Angeles Fire Department: (800) 688-8000
- LAPD West Traffic Division (213) 473-0215
- Graffiti Removal: (310) 204-2749
- Animal Care & Control Centers: (866) 452-7381
- DWP Hotline (310) 341-5397
- Council District (213) 978-0444
- Councilmember Katy Young Yaroslavsky (213) 473-7005
- Emergency Street Clearance (800) 996-2489
- Abandoned Vehicle (800) 222-6366
- Poison Control (800) 222-1222
- Large Item Trash Pick-up (800) 773-2489
- Street Lighting Maintenance (800) 342-5397
- Fallen Trees/limbs (800) 996-2489
- Dept. of Building & Safety (888) 524-2845
- Dept. of Sanitation (800) 773-2489
- Pothole (800) 996-2489
- Tree Trimming or removal permits (800) 996-2489
- Bureau of Streets (800) 996 2489 x11
- FilmL.A. (213) 977-8600